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I Can't Do It All

I am not sure this blog is for anyone other than me. But, I will be faithful to write it because we all will face dilemmas, some more difficult than others. Here lately, I have struggled to understand why circumstances have happened in our family. I have made business decisions that reflect I did it by myself (believe me, not good choices). I have struggled, in certain situations, with whether or not to proclaim my faith. I have questioned why things have happened to me. I have had to face the fact that I can't do it all by myself.

The answers to these dilemmas and many others are easy to find when you get out of God's way, humble yourself, and ask for help. Easier said than done. As I opened a book to begin reading a daily devotion, I was quickly turned to Proverbs 3:5-6. This is a scripture that I have read and quoted many times. As always, at the right time, God revealed a new nugget for me. A revelation that will forever change my life path.

See, I could quote verse 5, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." But verse 6 never stuck out to me. "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." all your ways... All your ways.... All Your Ways... ALL MY WAYS!!!! With each time I read these words, they grew louder, and it became clearer that I was not acknowledging God in all my ways. Instead, I have been trying to do it all myself, acknowledging my ways and directing my own paths. In other words, failing and then calling on God to fix my mess-ups. Always asking Him, "why me?".

Ready for the nugget?

Read verse 6 again - "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Did you catch that? "...He shall direct your paths." What a great PROMISE, "He shall"! Not maybe, not probably, but He shall. The terms and conditions stand out for me; God will lead you and me when we ACKNOWLEDGE Him in all our ways. See, I missed that. My words said God directed my paths, but my actions showed differently. I have spent so much time figuring it out myself, rolling up my sleeves, and leading my own path. I am sad to admit that I only acknowledged God when it didn't cost me anything, only on some days, some ways, to some people, and when I needed Him to fix my messes.

As many of you know, I have to break it down. So, grabbing my Bible and Strongs Concordance, I set to digging for the application of this scripture for my life. First was the word "ways." I found this to have common meanings that we all know; a road, distance, journey, manner, direction, course of life. Then there was the meanings path and habits. I immediately thought about the everyday things that I do; my job, business, family, and practices. Next was to acknowledge Him. Acknowledge means to know, perceive, to recognize. I could not help but think that "to know" has a deeper meaning, one of a relationship. The word recognize immediately brought to mind all the times that I turned a blind eye to all the God-winks that happen in my life. Last was "He shall direct your paths." The word "direct" has a meaning of being right: be straightforward, be agreeable, and be straight. Then the word path; a well-trodden road, manner, path, way of living. I got a vision of a worn path to our barn, one that the animals walk each day on their way out to graze and return for night shelter.

Now to put it all together. For me, acknowledging God has become more than admitting that He exists. It means a relationship with God that shows He is Lord of all things in my life and has the authority to direct my life paths. This means surrendering my job, business, family, habits, and everything to God. Trusting Him fully to lead me in directions that line up with His will for my life.

What are your struggles in life? Good news, God's got you. It starts with trust in Him and acknowledging God as the Lord of all things with the authority to direct your life. Take time daily to talk to God about His plans for your life.

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